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Azure Sentinel

Video Transcript

Hello, Cybrarians. Welcome to this lesson on as your sentinel. This lesson is part of the seventh model off the Desert 500. Microsoft Azure security technologist costs quick information on what will be covering in this lesson. We'll start with an overview off as your sentinel. Well, then discuss the various components off as a sentinel, including workspace, data collection, Analogic, six walk books, incidents on playbooks. Let's get right into this. So I just center now is a scalable seem and sore solution or stead on the azure platform. But what we mean by this, Let's review what a seem.

Answer East Same stand for security information event management on the walk by collecting log on events, data generated from multiple sources. Collecting the data onto a central life's platform and performing automated analysis off that data to the text threats. This is not a full description of what it seem East. It's a shot review. Menace seems, including Nigel Sentinel off capabilities. Beyond This swear stands for security, orchestration, automation and response and swear allows companies to collect threat related data from a range of sauces on automates responses to the streets.

So it's makes perfect sense for both of the solutions to work together. Sim collect logs on event from data sources on the touch treads. So act on, detective straight on automate responses to them. I just Internet being a cloud native. Same answer. A solution. As for me and expects to hit first we collect log on events, data from multiple sources both in Azure and outside Azur sending out then the textract. Using different methods, we can invest against the threats detected in center now. And finally we can automate response to incidents...

Course link:
AZ-500 Microsoft Azure Certification Training
Azure security engineers are responsible for protecting against vulnerabilities, implementing threat protection, and responding to incident escalations. In this AZ-500 course, you will learn the cloud-based security skills needed to protect hybrid environments. This course also prepares you for the AZ-500 certification exam.
Instructed by
Alex DiMuzio

Alex is an IT Security Engineer with 8+ years of experience in IT Engineering.