Reporting Detected Cyber Crimes
As soon as a cyber crime is detected, the investigator should contact key law enforcement contacts immediately with these details:
How to Prepare Before Cyber Crime Occurs
In what ways can someone prepare before a cyber crime occurs?
Key Government Investigative Agencies for Reporting Cyber Crime
What are the key government investigative agencies for reporting cyber crime?
Why it’s Important to Report Cyber Crime
Why might a company be reluctant to report cyber crimes?
What is the Enterprise Theory of Investigation (ETI)?
What is the Enterprise Theory of Investigation (ETI)?
What’s Contained in a Forensic Report?
A professional forensic report usually has these elements:
The Need for a Corporate Cyber Investigator
How can you identify when you need a corporate cyber investigator?
Key Aspects of Corporate Cyber Investigations
What kind of dispute does a corporate investigation usually stem from?
What are a Corporate Investigator’s Responsibilities?
What type of roles and responsibilities does a corporate cyber investigator usually have?
How Can a Cyber Investigator Stay Current?
What types of things should a cyber investigator do to stay up-to-date with the latest threats?
Types of Evidence in Cyber Investigations
What type of evidence is collected in a cyber investigation?
What are the Elements of a Cyber Investigation?
The steps involved in conducting a cyber investigation are as follows:
Using an Experienced Investigator for Digital Crime
Why is it so important to use an experienced investigator when trying to solve digital crime?
Who are Cyber Criminals?
A cyber criminal can be located inside the target organization or will mount the attack from outside. The crime must be intentional, not an accident. Most cyber criminals are part of…
Common Types of Cyber Crime
Cyber crime is any illegal act in which a computer or a computer infrastructure is the target; when a computer is used to commit a crime, or when a computer contains evidence of the crime. There are many types of cyber crimes. The most common are as follows:
What is Computer Forensics and Why is it Important?
Computer forensics is the investigative process of collecting, preserving and studying data from computer systems, networks and related devices so that the information can be presented in a court of law when a crime has occurred. It is important because…
Forensics Readiness and the Step-by-Step Process
When a computer security incident has been reported, forensics investigators need to be ready to respond immediately in order to prevent possible destruction of evidence. Forensics readiness dictates a step-by-step response, as follows:
When was Forensics Invented and How has it Changed?
Although computers are relatively new, the science of forensics dates back to the 1820s, when investigators began using fingerprints to investigate crimes. After that, forensic investigators collected and examined unique identifying characteristics in blood samples, ballistics and even documents to link criminals to crimes. Later, sophisticated forensic laboratories were developed to study evidence and safeguard it so it could be used in courts. How has computer forensics changed?
What are the Beginning Steps in a Cyber Crime Investigation?
What happens at the very beginning of an incident often determines the outcome. Knowing what to do in the early stages of an investigation will set the stage for what happens next. Here are the basic steps to follow:
Actions Required Before Starting an Investigation
When a security incident occurs, you need to hit the ground running. Before starting an investigation, make sure you follow these steps:
What are the Elements of a Forensics Workstation?
Building a forensics workstation is key preparation for an investigation. The workstation should have the necessary hardware and software to perform these tasks:
How to Build an Investigation Team
There are important decisions to make when assembling an investigation team. At the outset, keep the team small to protect the confidentiality of the investigation and to guard against information leaks. The next steps are to:
Who are the Key Actors in a Cyber Investigation?
The complexities of computer forensics require a team that possesses many different skills, including:
What Physical Evidence should be Collected from the Incident Scene?
Physical evidence at the incident scene includes the following:
What Actions Are Needed Before Starting an Investigation?
When a security incident occurs, you need to be prepared. Before an investigation, you should have:
What are the Elements of a Forensics Workstation?
Before an investigation begins, the workstation should have the necessary hardware and software to perform these tasks:
What are the Key Elements of Building an Investigative Team?
There are important decisions to make when assembling an investigation team. At the outset, keep the team small to protect the confidentiality of the investigation and to guard against leaks. The next steps are to…
Do you Know the Laws and Regulations Governing Investigations?
An investigation that is conducted improperly will not stand up in court. Before beginning an investigation it is important to review the laws…
What are the Relevant Federal Laws and Regulations?
Several key statutes and rules of evidence govern most cyber investigations, including…
What are Key Rules of Evidence Governing Cyber Investigations?
These are Federal Rules of Evidence every investigator should be aware of:
How to Obtain Proper Authorization for an Investigation?
Before initiating an investigation, you must make sure that you follow specific steps:
What are the Steps for Conducting a Risk Assessment?
A solid investigation begins with a careful assessment of the risks presented by the security incident. To assess the risks:
What are First Steps in a Computer Forensics Investigation?
Preparation and attention to details will increase the chances of a successful investigation. An investigator should:
How to Access the Data in a Computer Forensics Investigation
Once the evidence has been seized and secured the investigator has to gain access to it, the next steps are:
What is the Methodology for Conducting a Cyber Crime Investigation?
Follow this step-by-step model to conduct a proper investigation:
What is Needed to Obtain a Search Warrant?
To obtain a search warrant, you must show “probable cause” that evidence linked to a crime is located in the area to be searched. In addition, other information has to be provided, for example:
Can Property be Searched without a Warrant?
In specific situations, a property can be searched without a warrant. These situations include:
What are the Best Practices for Forensic Photography?
A forensic photographer has an important role in an investigation. His expertise is required because…
What is the Role of the First Responder to an Incident?
The first person to respond to a security incident must complete the following actions:
What Types of Evidence Files Should be Collected in an Investigation?
A forensic investigative search should gather all of the following electronic files:
What are the First Steps in Collecting Electronic Evidence?
To begin the electronic evidence collection in an investigation, you need to follow these steps:
What are the Key Elements of Evidence Management?
The overriding goal of evidence management is to preserve the integrity of the electronic evidence. This can be achieved by:
Duplicating Electronic Evidence
The original digital evidence in an investigation is never used for analysis, in case it is damaged in the process or in handling. Instead…
Is the Authenticity of the Duplicate Image Guaranteed?
If the data analysis is performed on a duplicate image file, how can investigators and a court be assured that it is the same as the original?
Can Lost or Deleted Data be Recovered?
What happens when data on a computer subject to an investigation has been deleted or lost?
How to Analyze Data Gathered in the Investigation
Once data has been collected from targeted computers …
How to Assess the Evidence in an Investigation
After the data has been analyzed, it must be assessed to measure its value to the overall investigation.The evidence should be assessed as part of the effort to decide the next steps in the investigation. The assessment should include:
How to Document Key Phases of the Investigation
For the investigation to hold up to scrutiny by a court, all of the conclusions must be documented like the following:
How to Assess the Overall Case
Once the evidence has been collected, analyzed and evaluated, how can you assess the overall case?
How to Gather the Material to Write an Investigation Report
Before writing an investigation report, you should gather and organize the material from all phases of the investigation. To do that, you must follow these steps:
What Should Be Included in an Investigation Report?
The Investigation report should be clear and concise and include these elements:
What is the Role of an Expert Witness?
If a crime has been committed and charges are brought in a court of law, an expert witness will be asked to present the results of the investigation to the judge or jury. An expert witness must have through knowledge of…
Why is Professional Conduct Important to an Investigation?
An investigation is only as good as its investigators, who should maintain the highest professional standards including:
What are the Priorities in Investigating a Company Policy Investigation?
Millions of dollars can be wasted when employees misuse company computer systems by surfing the internet, sending personal emails and using computers for personal tasks. An investigator may be asked to trace this kind of employee misuse. If violations are found and documented, the employee in question should…
What is the Fourth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution?
The Fourth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution protects citizens from …
What are the Exceptions to the Search Warrant Requirement?
In certain circumstances, the government can search computers without a warrant:
Who Can Give Consent for a Warrantless Computer Search?
Giving Consent for a Warrantless Computer Search:
The consent exception for a warrantless search has many variations…
What is the Implied Consent Exception for Warrantless Searches?
The legal doctrine of Implied Consent allows for a search without a warrant, even when there is no explicit consent:
What are the Rules Governing Workplace Searches of Computers?
Searching a workplace computer without a warrant can present legal problems, such as:
What are the Steps in a Computer Search with a Warrant?
Even with a search warrant, searching and seizing an office computer can be difficult. Starting with these steps will help to ensure successful investigation…
What is the Impact of the Electronic Communications Privacy Act on Investigations?
The Electronic Communications Privacy Act (EPCA) is designed to prevent unauthorized government access to private electronic communications. This Act requires…
When are Multiple Warrants Recommended in a Cyber Investigation?
A federal search warrant usually applies only to territory in the jurisdiction of the District Court issuing the warrant. Investigators embarking in a search of a computer network may not know in advance where all the files are located…
What is a Sneak and Peek Warrant?
Sneak and Peek Warrant:
A sneak and peek warrant allows law enforcement to conduct a search before notifying a suspect. In cyber investigations, a sneak and peek warrant–also called a delayed notification warrant–gives investigators…
How Should Investigators Handle Privileged Documents?
During a search, investigators must be careful if they come across privileged documents, because…
What are the Key Steps in Drafting a Warrant and Affidavit?
Two documents are required in order to obtain a search warrant from a Magistrate Judge. Those are documents are:
What Network Providers Are Covered by the Electronic Communications Privacy Act?
The Electronic Communications Privacy Act (ECPA) restricts law enforcement access to two types of network service providers:
What Requirements Must the Government Meet to Compel a Company to Produce Data?
To compel a company to provide customer information under ECPA, a government agency must…
What are Possible Strategies for a Computer Search?
There four possible approaches to seizing evidence from a computer:
How Does the Privacy Protection Act Impact Cyber Investigations?
The Privacy Protection Act presents legal challenges to cyber investigations, such as:
Should Investigators Communicate with Service Providers before Issuing a Warrant?
Before issuing subpoenas, warrants or court orders to a network provider to produce evidence for an investigation. Investigators or law enforcement agents should direct the network service providers to:
What is a Pen/Trap and Trace Order?
Law Enforcement agencies use Pen/Trap and Trace Orders when…
What is the Primary Purpose of the Wiretap Statute?
The law commonly referred to the Wiretap Statute…
What Kind of Evidence Standard is Applied to Computer Records?
Even though computer records may be considered reliable, investigators are still required to meet standard evidence tests. When introducing computer evidence into a trial, investigators need to meet the standard “authentication” rule of evidence, proving that…
How Does the Hearsay Rule Impact Computer Evidence?
The Hearsay Rule is usually invoked in keeping out witness testimony in a trial. But it can play an important role in connection with computer evidence…
What is the Definition of Digital Evidence?
Definition of Digital Evidence
Digital evidence, which is the core of any cyber investigation, takes many forms and can be found in several places…
What are the Challenges in Collecting and Using Digital Evidence?
Challenges in Collecting and Using Digital Evidence
Digital evidence can establish a key link between a crime and the criminal but it is not foolproof…
What is Anti-Digital Forensics?
Criminals and hackers have extensive methods for hiding digital evidence from investigators. Anti-Digital Forensics (ADF) is the name given to techniques used to wipe out data to hide it from investigators. These efforts can make data recovery and collection difficult, time-consuming or even impossible. The major types of ADF mischief are:
Why are Rules of Evidence Important?
It is best to know the Rules of Evidence even before beginning an investigation because:
What are the Different Types of Digital Data?
Different Types of Digital Data
Investigators need to know which data files are permanent and which are temporary…
What is the Best Evidence Rule?
In general, only the original of a document, photograph or recording may be used as evidence. The Best Evidence Rule guards against the introduction of a copy of the original that has been damaged, altered or tampered with. A duplicate will be allowed into evidence only if the original evidence:
What are the Major Topics Covered by the Rules of Evidence?
Several major issues figure prominently in any discussion about the Rules of Evidence:
What is the International Organization on Computer Evidence?
Because of the global nature of cyber crimes, an international organization helps cyber investigators. The International Organization on Computer Evidence…
What is the Scientific Working Group on Digital Evidence?
U.S. law enforcement and investigative agencies join forces to fight cyber crime. Federal and state law enforcement and investigative agencies, including the U.S. Secret Service and Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) form the nucleus of…
What are SWGDE’s Standards for Handling Digital Evidence?
SWGDE has issued three basic evidence-handling standards investigative agencies should follow:
What Types of Evidence Files are Found on Computers and Other Devices?
Investigators can look for evidence on three types of files when searching computers:
How Can Investigators Search Various Storage Devices?
To find files on various storage devices, investigators have to know where to look. The four places that are investigators should look are:
What Kind of Evidence is Found on Access Control Devices?
Access control devices are used to add extra security to access buildings and computers and other electronic devices. Authenticating the information on these devices provides…
What Other Devices Have Potential to Store Evidence?
Almost any electronic device can offer potential evidence for an investigation. Some examples:
What Kind of Evidence Can be Found in Network Devices?
Network devices provide significant potential for evidence collection. Examples of these network devices are below:
What are the Recommended Steps in an Evidence Assessment?
The evidence assessment phase takes place before any evidence has been collected. Start by reviewing the scope of the case and examining the search warrant, if one has been issued…
What are the Steps in Preparing for Evidence Acquisition?
Steps in Preparing for Evidence Acquisition:
Even after the initial assessment, more preparation is required before collecting the evidence:
When Collecting Evidence, What Areas and Devices Should be Searched?
Depending on the nature of the crime, investigators may have different areas they want to search. They need to think carefully about where to search while drafting the search warrant…
Precautions When Seizing Evidence?
When a law enforcement official is seizing evidence they should:
What are the Preliminary Steps in Copying a Seized Storage Device?
When preparing to copy files from a seized storage device, investigators should:
What is a Bit-Stream Copy?
Bit-stream copies are useful in investigations because they are…
Why are Precautions Necessary in Evidence Acquisition?
If evidence is tampered in any way from its original state, it can cause major problems. Digital evidence is…
What are the Steps in Acquiring a Storage Device?
The examiner should follow these steps before collecting evidence from a storage device:
What are the Steps in Acquiring Evidence from Storage Devices?
Steps in Acquiring Evidence from Storage Devices:
Once a storage device has been removed from the seized computer, examiners can begin acquiring the evidence by:
What are the First Steps in Collecting Evidence in an Investigation?
After the original storage disk has been copied exactly, examiners can begin collecting the evidence from the duplicate:
How is Evidence Properly Identified and Documented?
When collecting evidence, examiners need to record all sources of data to be examined:
How is Evidence Collected from Storage Devices?
Follow these steps to ensure the data is preserved and will be usable in court:
How is Evidence Collected from a Live Computer?
Useful evidence can be gathered from a live computer. Examiners need to search…
How is Evidence Collected from RAM?
How is evidence collected from Random Access Memory?
How can Evidence be Collected from a Standalone Computer?
Follow these steps when collecting evidence from an individual computer:
Documenting the Evidence through the Chain of Custody?
The Chain of Custody is a legal document that can be introduced into court. What are the functions of the chain of custody?
What are the Steps to Preserving Digital Evidence?
Follow these steps to preserve digital evidence:
What are Safeguards when Collecting Evidence from a Victim's Computer?
When a victim’s computer has been penetrated, take these six steps to preserve data:
How Should Digital Evidence be Protected from Damage?
Special precautions should be taken to preserve digital evidence from electronic interference, such as:
How Can Evidence be Safely Stored?
When preparing to analyze evidence, follow these steps:
What are General Principles of Evidence Examination?
General Principles of Evidence Examination:
In any investigation, basic rules of evidence examination are the same…
What is the Difference between Physical and Logical Evidence Extraction?
These two types of extraction require different methods. Physical extraction identifies and…
What Procedures are Used to Analyze Host Data?
Host data is information about operating systems and applications. To analyze it…
How is Network Data Analyzed?
In addition to analyzing individual files, evidence can be found by looking at these network activities:
What is Timeframe Analysis?
Using timeframe analysis to determine when things happened in the computer system can be matched with data about the usage times of an individual user. Use these methods:
What are Steps to Follow in Searching for Hidden Files?
Searching for Hidden Files
Using Data Hiding Analysis to search for files can produce important evidence. Some methods for hidden file searches:
What are Methods for Application and File Analysis?
Elements of Application and File Analysis
Painstaking analysis of files and applications can produce useful information…
What is the Importance of Ownership and Possession?
Conducting Ownership and Possession Searches
Determine which user created or accessed suspect files…
What Should an Evidence Examiner’s Report Include?
Elements of An Evidence Examiner’s Report
An evidence Examiner should keep meticulous notes throughout his search…
What is Included in a Final Report of an Investigation?
Elements of Final Report of Investigation
All elements of the investigation need to be summarized in the report, including…
What Kinds of Digital Evidence Indicates Online Auction Fraud?
Digital Evidence of Online Auction Fraud
Here’s where to look for evidence of online auction fraud…
Where Can Evidence of Child Exploitation be Found?
Finding Evidence of Child Exploitation
Here’s where to look for evidence of child exploitation…
Where Evidence of Computer Intrusion Can be Found?
Evidence of Computer Intrusion
Here’s where to look for evidence of computer intrusion…
What Kinds of Evidence Suggest a Death Investigation?
Evidence of a Death Investigation
Here’s where to look for evidence of death investigation…
Where Can Evidence of Gambling be Found?
Evidence of Gambling
Here’s where to look for evidence of gambling…
Where Can Evidence of Extortion be Found?
Evidence of Extortion
Here’s where to look for evidence of extortion…
Where Can Evidence of Economic Fraud be Found?
Evidence of Economic Fraud
Here’s where to look for evidence of economic fraud…
Where Can Evidence of Email Threats Be Found?
Evidence of Email Threats
Here’s where to look for evidence of email threats…
Where can Evidence of Narcotics Trafficking be Found?
Evidence of Narcotics Trafficking
Here’s where to look for evidence of narcotics trafficking…
Where can Evidence of Prostitution be Found?
Evidence of Prostitution
Here’s where to look for evidence of prostitution…
Where Can Evidence of Software Piracy be Found?
Evidence of Software Piracy
Here’s where to look for evidence of software piracy…
Where Can Evidence of Telecommunications Fraud Be Found?
Evidence of Telecommunications Fraud
Here’s where to look for evidence of telecommunications fraud…
What are Elements of an Identify Fraud Investigation?
Elements of an Identify Fraud Investigation
Pieces of an identity fraud investigation include…