
SSCP Certification Training

Cyber Network Security
I am a goal-oriented, hard-working, dreamer and I firmly believe that I am destined for something greater than myself. I believe I am meant to be the change I wish to see in the world. My life experiences have me convinced that I am cut out for something more than just normality. One of my greatest experiences is that I was homeschooled from Pre-K through 8th grade. Being homeschooled taught me two great skills. The first is that I am able to teach myself new ideas and concepts. Learning something new and adapting to a new idea on my own is not foreign to me; I’ve been doing it since I could talk. This makes me comfortable with working hard and being in new situations. The second skill is the belief that I can do anything and that nothing and nobody can stand in the way of what I want to achieve in life. I like to tell people that the most dangerous thing they can do is bet against me. This belief frees me from the opinions of others and allows me to experience life with a greater magnitude. The quote, “I will not die an unlived life” is my current mantra and from that quote flows my passion and intensity for my life, my goals, and those around me. I choose to live my life at 100% because the secret to beating death is quality, not quantity. I’ve seen too many people die early, and not get buried until years later. That will not be me. I am a dreamer with a hard work addiction who is obsessed with maxing out my life. This is who I am.