
Threat Hunting with Windows Event Forwarding
My whole life, I’ve had a strong reverence for and connection with nature. It makes me feel alive and reminds me of the purpose of life. This relationship with the earth led me to hone my photography skills, so that I could better capture the beauty around us that moves me on a daily basis. After having my twins, a beautiful son and adorable daughter who are now seven, this passion became even stronger. My children prefer to be outdoors rather than inside, and this is my deepest and most ongoing source of inspiration.
My amazingly supportive wife and I also take a philanthropic stance when it comes to our children — for their birthday, we request donations to a local food bank instead of gifts. This is a reflection on the concept of Seva, which means “selfless service.” It’s part of our Sikh faith, which guides us as we seek to honor nature and others. In addition to photography and art, I also work as a cyber security expert and help people protect themselves from cyber criminals.