Guide to the Tor Browser
This is a comprehensive Tor course including, but not limited to: major misconceptions, installation, history, strengths and weaknesses, discussions on onion addresses, and ending on a comparison of the Deep Web and Dark Web.
Course Content
9.1 The End Is the Beginning
Module 9: Conclusion
1.1 The Tor Roadmap
Module 1: Introduction
2.1 Why You Should Use the Tor Browser
Module 2: Why Use Tor?
3.1 Let's Get Into Things
Module 3: Getting Into Things
4.1 Comparison of Firefox and Tor
Module 4: Compare Tor to Firefox
5.1 What Is It?
Module 5: Under the Hood of the Tor Relay
6.1 Tor Flaws Part 1
Module 6: With Great Strength Comes Great Weaknesses
7.1 Tor in All the Places
Module 7: Tor on Other Platforms
8.1 All About the Onions
Module 8: The Onions
1.2 Myths, Misconceptions, and the Iceberg Graphics
Module 1: Introduction
4.2 Firefox Plugins and Search Engines
Module 4: Compare Tor to Firefox
5.2 Legal Issues
Module 5: Under the Hood of the Tor Relay
6.2 Tor Flaws Part 2
Module 6: With Great Strength Comes Great Weaknesses
1.3 A User's Guide to the Deep Web, Dark Web, and the Dark Net
Module 1: Introduction
4.3 Final Comparison
Module 4: Compare Tor to Firefox
1.4 The History of the Tor Project
Module 1: Introduction
Course Description