
Azure Functions

This Azure functions course explains the core concepts of serverless services in Azure, how to develop functions that use different triggers and how to secure access of Azure Functions and manage configuration secrets.

Course Content

Course Summary


Course Summary


Course Introduction
Module 2 Introduction


Introduction to Azure Functions
Module 3 Introduction


Azure Function Triggers
Module 4 Introduction


Azure Function Security
What is Azure Function?


Introduction to Azure Functions
Creating the Azure Function App


Azure Function Triggers
Setting Up User Authentication


Azure Function Security
Serverless Options in Azure


Introduction to Azure Functions
Hosting Plans in Azure


Introduction to Azure Functions
Configuring HTTP Trigger


Azure Function Triggers
Reading Secrets from Key Vault


Azure Function Security
Module 2 Summary


Introduction to Azure Functions
Configuring Queue Trigger


Azure Function Triggers
Module 4 Summary


Azure Function Security
Configuring Time Trigger


Azure Function Triggers
Module 3 Summary


Azure Function Triggers
Course Description

Who is This Course For?

  • Developers
  • DevOps Engineers
  • DevSecOps Engineers
  • Prerequisites

  • Familiarity with Azure and Azure services
  • Familiarity with one or more of the following programming or scripting
  • languages: C#, Java, JavaScript, PowerShell, Python
  • Course Goals

    By the end of this course, students should be able to:

  • Differentiate between serverless options in Azure
  • Implement Azure Functions using different triggers
  • Secure access to Azure Functions
  • Read serverless configuration secrets from Azure Key Vault
  • In the Azure Functions course, students will learn the core concepts and features of the service, what it is typically used for, why it’s an important tool to have, and how easy it is to create their own functions using it.

    What are Microsoft Azure Functions?

    Microsoft Azure is a public cloud computing platform that offers users various cloud services, including computing, analytics, storage, and networking. The Azure Functions is one of these services. It is a serverless compute service that allows users to run small pieces of code without being concerned about an entire application or having to provision and manage the infrastructure to run it. Azure Functions is designed to work with triggers to execute code in response to a variety of events. The Microsoft Azure platform and services, including Azure Functions, are important tools for today’s IT architects and developers to know and use.

    What Does this Azure Functions Course Entail?

    In this Azure functions course, students will become familiar with the core concepts of Azure Functions, using triggers with the tool, and how to manage configuration secrets and Azure Function security. The objectives for the Azure Functions course include:

    * Learning to distinguish between Azure’s serverless options * Implementing Azure Functions utilizing triggers * Securing access to Azure Functions * Reading serverless configuration secrets from Azure Key Vault

    This beginner level course has one hour of total clock time and students will earn 1 CEU/CPE upon completion. They will also receive a Certificate of Completion once finished with the course.

    Who Should Take the Microsoft Azure Functions Training?

    The Azure functions training is a good fit for anyone who wants to learn the services offered with the Azure platform. Students who want to show that they have the foundational knowledge of cloud computing services and concepts that are specific to Azure are ideal for this course. Additionally, IT professionals who have not been trained in Azure Functions will benefit from this course. Developers, DevOps Engineers, and DevSecOps who don’t know Azure Functions should definitely enroll in this training.

    Individuals who enroll in this course should have some familiarity with Azure and its services, as well as familiarity with at least one of the following scripting or programming languages: C#, Java, JavaScript, Python, or PowerShell.

    Why Take this Azure Functions Course?

    There are various reasons that IT professionals and those individuals looking to start a career in IT should become familiar with Azure Functions, and the Microsoft Azure platform overall. Perhaps the best reason is that Microsoft’s Azure is the most widely recognized cloud services provider around the world, and it isn’t going anywhere anytime soon. That means that more and more organizations are using Azure and they need IT professionals who know how to use it.

    Additionally, serverless computing has gained popularity with developers because it has some important benefits that traditional cloud-based or server-centric infrastructures don’t. Generally speaking, serverless architectures provide developers with greater scalability, increased flexibility, and faster releases, all at lower costs. With serverless architectures, developers don’t have to be concerned with buying, establishing, and managing backend servers.

    If you are interested in learning about serverless computing within the Microsoft Azure cloud computing platform, this Azure Functions course is a must. And Cybrary makes learning simple, convenient, and free. All of our courses are self-paced, so you can do as much or as little as you have time for – when you have time for it. Enrolling in the course is easy, just click the Register button at the top of this screen to get started.

    This course is part of a Career Path:
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    Instructed by

    Toddy Mladenov

    I am the CTO of Agitare Technologies, Inc., a cloud consulting and products practice in the Pacific Northwest. I teach Cloud Computing classes at North Seattle College as well as IoT classes in Bellevue College. Also, I manage the biggest independent Cloud Computing Community in the region – the CloudTalk Meetup.

    My career in technology started more than 25 years ago while I was still a college student. At that time I was helping at my brother’s company to assemble and sell custom-built PCs. In 1995 the Internet became popular, and I was one of the first students in my university who wrote a graduation thesis about the Internet. My research on Internet sparked my interest in that area, and I’ve spent most of my career designing and developing technologies on the Internet. I’ve worked for small and large enterprises in Europe and US among which are the networking company 3Com, the German software giant SAP as well as Microsoft.

    At Microsoft, I managed a Program Management team in Windows Client division, and later on, I moved to the Azure team. It was the right time to get into the new and exciting world of cloud computing, big data, and other emerging cloud technologies. As part of the initial Azure team, I had the opportunity to guide the early adopters through their path to the cloud and work with Open Source communities to promote the value of Azure.

    Since then I’ve been helping enterprises understand the latest cloud technologies and develop scalable, secure and user-friendly cloud solutions. I always approach customer projects with a “how to make technology simple, secure and usable” attitude. I work with newer technologies like containers, cognitive services, and IoT and help our customers get immediate value out of those.

    Cybrary Logo
    Certification Body
    Certificate of Completion

    Complete this entire course to earn a Azure Functions Certificate of Completion