Global State of Least Privilege Cyber Security
Global State of Least Privilege Cyber Security
New survey report shows overprivileged users still a big challenge for IT professionals #1 Least privilege is too complex for a single technology fix; it must be an ongoing program
Driven primarily by concerns with internal and third-party threats, as well as compliance mandates, least privilege must be viewed as an ongoing program rather than a project that can be solved with any one technology solution.
#2 A least privilege implementation that hinders user productivity will fail
If you want your least privilege implementation to succeed, you need comprehensive solutions that minimize the impact on user productivity, earn executive level support, and operate in the background
#3 One size does not fit all for least privilege. Communicate and customize to control
You must customize your least privilege strategy to fit the needs of your own organization. Educate users on the value of least privilege while making sure they can do their jobs without compromising security.