Virtualization Management

Course Content
Our online Virtualization Management training course will teach you how to effectively implement, manage and maintain a virtual computing environment for several business applications.
About Virtualization Training
Virtualization Management refers to the deployment, updating, monitoring and maintenance of virtualized applications. Virtualization is vital to the modern organization because it allows it to run various applications simultaneously on a single server. VMWare is the most recognizable name in the field, and their VCP certification carries great value.Our self-paced online Virtualization training course focuses on installing, configuring and managing virtualization software. You'll learn how to work your way around the cloud and how to build the infrastructure for it. Additionally, you'll gain exposure to the primary platforms and learn how to manage access control, resource usage and apply patches to the software in case of issue. This training is designed with the industry's top certification exams in mind. Learn how to support your company's virtual infrastructure with this Virtualization Management training.
This class is not VMWare authorized.
Requirements: Tools Used
VMWare Workstation or VMWare Player
Win 7 or 8 VM & Server 2008 or 2012 VM
*Trial versions of Windows OS work fine*
If you enjoy this course, be sure to check out the [CompTIA Cloud+ class](!
About the Virtualization Management Certification
Currently, the most popular certification around virtualization is the VMWare VCP. The VCP is administered through Pearson VUE test centers and in order to be eligible for the exam, you may need to seek VMWare approval.Do you know someone who could benefit from this training class? [Email them an invite]( and they can join you, and you earn [cybytes](/cybytes/)!
What is Virtualization Management?
Virtualization management is the overseeing and administration of the tasks and processes involved in a virtualization environment. It involves the collective methods, technologies, and tools that are needed to ensure authority and management over an organization's virtualized infrastructure.Virtualization management is usually performed from a virtual machine manager utility or application. The purpose of virtualization management is to make sure that virtual machines provide services and computing operations as they should. This may include processes like:
What Does this Virtualization Training Course Entail?
In the IT industry, virtualization is a technology that isn't going anywhere. Virtual platforms, storage devices, and network resources are constantly becoming more advanced. Our virtualization management training course is beneficial to everyone, from beginners in the virtualization field, to experienced professionals – regardless of your company's choice of vendor – because it will provide you with the knowledge and skills that are needed to succeed in a virtualized environment.This self-paced virtualization management training is centered on installing, configuring, and managing virtualization software. Additionally, you will learn:
This course is not VMWare authorized. It consists of 14 hrs. and 32 min. of total clock time, and upon completing the course, you will receive a Certificate of Completion.
What Kind of Careers are Available in Virtualization?
There are numerous careers that are related to virtualization to be found on employment websites. Like other IT roles, there are many more open jobs in virtualization than there are professionals to fill them. Here are some of the job titles you may see for virtualization-related positions: * Virtualization architect * Virtualization engineer * Cloud virtualization engineer * Server virtualization systems administratorThe [VMware Foundations training course]( isn’t only for individuals who want to get into a career in virtualization. Because virtualization has become so important in the last decade, the course is useful for anyone who is in the IT industry, or who wants to be.
What Are the Benefits of Learning about Virtualization?
Virtualization is a critically important aspect of the information technology world. Thousands of organizations, of all sizes, use virtualization technology to reduce workloads and make the IT environment more flexible and scalable. To remain competitive in the IT industry, learning virtualization in cloud computing is absolutely essential.Learning the skills and concepts in Cybrary’s virtualization course, including how virtualization works, and other key concepts related to virtualization and cloud computing, will provide individuals with advantages in their IT careers. They will have a thorough understanding of one of the most critical components of today’s information technology; one that employers and hiring managers will almost certainly be looking for in candidates. They will also have the opportunity to earn higher than average annual salaries, as the IT industry has some of the most lucrative earnings in the country, overall.